
Welcome to the Church of Our Saviour. Our church is one of the oldest churches west of the Mississippi River and was established in 1861. The structure was built in 1865. When you enter, you are surrounded by history and the simplicity of another time. 

Whether you are new to the area, looking for a church home, or returning to a tradition of faith, I welcome you on behalf of our staff, the parishioners of our parish, and the Episcopal church. In our church, we are committed to fostering an environment where all are welcome.

I believe that following Christ is not an obligation but an invitation. At the Church of Our Saviour, your questions are welcomed. It is a safe place where you can voice your doubts without fear or worry about how they will be received. It is a place of joy and prayer, where laughter and tears can be shared. Your faith will be celebrated, and you will find others to walk alongside you on your spiritual journey.

We would be pleased to welcome you at one of our worship services. We have two onsite Sunday services, one at 8:00 am and one at 10:30 am. The 10:30 am service is live streamed on our Facebook page. If you will be attending from home for the 10:30 service, click here for the bulletin and here for our Facebook page.

And please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting.

The church’s phone number is (916) 622-2441. My email is revdebra.oursaviour@gmail.com.

In Christ, 

Rev Deb






We have two onsite services every Sunday, Rite I at 8:00 am and Rite II at 10:30 am. The 10:30 am service is live streamed on our Facebook page. If you will be joining us from home, click here for the bulletin and here for our Facebook page.


Women's Bible Study will continue to meet through May and will then take the summer off.  The Study will resume on September 4.


Potluck Supper and BUNCO, 5:30 pm,  second Monday of each month: All women are invited for an evening of conversation and fun playing the easy to learn game of BUNCO. Bring a dish to share, a pantry item to donate, and $5. Be prepared for a good time. For questions contact Kathy Fritschi, t.fritschi@comcast.net or 530-651-4056.


Quilts For Peirce Hall

Michelle Miller is creating 6 quilts of her own design for Peirce Hall. All will have center panels that highlight Bible verses. For this particular quilt, she purchased the center panel from an artist who does screen printing, and then designed the Celtic knot work that accents the panel.


S.HA.R.E.: We donate food to this ministry that provides for those in need in our community.  The S.H.A.R.E pantry is run primarily by Federated Church with organizations across our community donating food.   It is currently open three days a week.  Phyllis Smith will be taking in our donations on a regular basis.  Please bring your contributions of canned and packaged, easy to prepare, foods for the bin labeled S.HA.R.E.. If you are bringing canned goods, please bring those that open with pull tops if at all possible.


Recycling: Bring your CRV bottle and can recyclables to church.  Place them in the bins in the Robing Room (that area outside the Parish Hall bathroom).  Boyd Roberts will collect them and the funds from the returns go to the church.


Discretionary Fund: Rev. Debra maintains a Discretionary Fund that she can use to provide assistance as needed. She can provide emergency assistance for food, transportation, and help with medical bills. The Vestry provides some funding for this every year, but additional donations would expand what Rev. Debra can do during the year. Donations may be made to Church of Our Saviour, with "Discretionary Fund" in the memo line.

Worship Schedule


  • Rite I Worship Service
    – 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
  • Rite II Worship Service
    – 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Contact Information

The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour

  • Location: 2979 Coloma St.
    Mail: PO Box 447
    Placerville, California 95667
  • Map
  • Phone (530) 622-2441
    Fax (530) 642-8823
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  February 2025  
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