Parish Vestry

Parish Vestry

The Vestry is what other faith traditions commonly term the parish council. It is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property.

The responsibilities of the Vestry include defining and articulating the mission of the congregation, supporting the church's mission, ensuring effective organization and planning, and managing resources and finances. Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting to a three-year term and the Rector is the presiding officer.

The officers of the church are the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Clerk. At the Church of Our Saviour the Senior Warden is more involved with parish leadership and administration, while the Junior Warden is more involved with church building and site management.

A lay delegate represents the congregation and votes on its behalf at the annual diocesan convention. A member of the vestry or a retiring warden often makes a good delegate because of intimate knowledge of the workings of that congregation.

Current Vestry members:

Steve Boilard, Senior Warden,

Lee Weikert, Junior Warden,

Dona Adams,

Yvonna Giordano, (530) 642-2311

Becky Leighton,

Carolyn Nelson,

Dan Trainor,


Treasurer (non-voting), Ed Matthews