Values, Purpose, and Vision: Who Are We?

Values and Descriptions

Our core values remind us what matters most at Our Saviour. Our values keep us focused on achieving our purpose.  They direct major leadership decisions, as well as the daily work of our ministries.  They shape what we do – and who we are – together as disciples of Christ.


We are a community of the Spirit of God.


We are rooted in Holy Scripture, history, traditions, sacraments and worship.


We strive to encounter and emulate Jesus Christ.


We seek out and invite all to this holy work.


We welcome all whom God has created, extending hospitality and compassion to them.


We engage the world in which we live with the love of Christ.


We share the love of Christ through our service with others in our parish, neighborhoods and the world.

Purpose Statement

Our purpose explains why we (the Church of Our Saviour) exists.

To proclaim the presence and love of God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who transform and give meaning to our lives.


Our vision answers "What will Our Saviour look like when/if we are successful at achieving your purpose?"

Church of Our Saviour is a vibrant Episcopal parish known for ongoing spiritual formation and engagement with our community and the world.