
Rector: Rev. Debra


The term, Acolyte, includes servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles as well as crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. Acolytes are mentioned as a minor order as early as 252 and initially assisted deacons or subdeacons at the preparation of the table, later carrying candles in processions as well as carrying fragments of the bread consecrated at the papal Mass to other churches. Eventually, lay servers or sacristans performed duties earlier associated with acolytes, and the order of acolyte was normally conferred upon a candidate for priesthood in the course of his training. Some of the duties earlier performed by persons in the minor order of acolyte were taken over by lay clerks. In the later nineteenth their duties were largely taken over by lay "acolytes" and sacristans or altar guilds.

Altar Guild:

Assists the priest and prepares the altar and sanctuary for the celebration of the Eucharist, Morning Prayer, and other services such as weddings, baptisms, and funerals. This includes arranging the altar flowers, cleaning the sanctuary and sacristy, marking books for the service, changing the hymn board, and putting out the Sunday programs. We also prepare the communion set for the Eucharistic Visitors. The Altar Guild is responsible for the care and cleaning of linens, vestments, hangings, and vessels.
We work in teams of two, each team serving one week each month. All members meet once a month to clean and polish brass and silver and plan our services for the upcoming month. We all work together on Easter and Christmas. Generally those in this ministry serve once or twice a month unless there are extra services.
Contact Marcia Goodrich: a_goodrich@sbcglobal.net

Eucharistic Ministers (EM’s):

Eucharistic Ministers directly support the communion service by serving the chalice with the appropriate blessing. In the absence of acolytes, the Eucharistic Minister lights and extinguishes the altar candles, carries the Cross during the processions (Crucifer), leads the Gospel processions, and performs the reading. They are also responsible for ringing the Sanctus Bells.


Greeters welcome members and guests to the church. They give everyone an order of service (bulletin) and answer initial questions. Guests are invited to stay for coffee and given directions to the Parish Hall. Greeters may also bring forward to the altar at communion the bread and the wine.

Intercessory Prayers:

We have a team of people who will pray with you after communion. They have been specially trained in this ministry. You may briefly describe the particular concern or burden, thanksgiving, which will be kept confidential.


Our Music Director is Gabriel Silva.

Prayers of the People:

The Prayers of the People are written by members of the congregation.

If you would like to take part in this ministry please contact Lee Weikert at eklktcwe@earthlink.net


Individuals trained to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people.


Ushers are an integral and important part of our liturgical service. They collect and bring forward the offerings of the people to the altar along with a count of those present to the Deacon or Priest. At communion the Ushers assist the flow of people to and from the altar. They inform the Deacon or Priest of anyone who needs to receive communion in the pews. Contact Sandy Bert: (530) 622-4343